I want this web site to stand as testimony that I existed and that I did not entirely waste my time on nonsense so this site is largely dedicated to promoting and illuminating “The Grifter’s Bible”, a work born out of an older plague. So, as the city, the nation, the globe slips into shifty vicissitudes once again and waits behind barred doors for the Angel of Death to pass, it seems now is as good a time as any to let this site go, to commend it to the River and let the Tide take it wherever it may.
But with that having been said, there’s two cops outside my van and I’m not supposed to be out here after the ‘stay-at-home’ order goes into effect at 11:59:59.
May the future be illuminated but for now I’m going dark.
Doink it up, quarantiners!
—Ich Bin El Sh’booms, 03/23/2020, somewhere in America